Finding Assurance

Raised in a Christian home, I grew up hearing the gospel frequently and believed in Christ for salvation at a young age. So young, in fact, that I really don’t remember a lot about that moment. As I grew, I became more and more aware of sin in my life. I knew what a Christian was “supposed to” be like. I started wondering if I’d really meant it when I said I believed in Jesus, if I had believed hard enough, or if salvation really “counted” if you didn’t remember it happening. I started praying that God would save me every few prayers, just in case I hadn’t asked right before. I was a little kid who grew into a young man who struggled constantly with the assurance of my salvation.

It was a journey of understanding that my fears about eternal security were rooted in misconceptions about God, his character, and the gospel. At that time, I was merely trying to alleviate my own fears. What I failed to grasp then was that salvation is secure, not because of my actions, but because of God's unchanging character and promise. When I believed by faith, God Himself made me forever His own. It had nothing to do with the strength of my faith or the goodness of my heart, and everything to do with God’s unchanging character and promise.

So, what does it mean to have the assurance of your salvation? It means that a professing Christian is confident that he is, through the gospel, presently in right standing with God and will, upon his death or at the return of Christ, enter into eternal life and be delivered from the penalty of eternal condemnation. Whether we remember it or not, and whether it is a profound experience or a very simple one, there is a moment when each believer becomes one of God’s children. At this specific point in time, God makes many things true of us. He justifies us, regenerates us, reconciles us to Himself, identifies us with Christ, provides us with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and more. Each of these things is an event that cannot be undone. They are completed actions that provide us with security.

Assurance of salvation, however, speaks of personal confidence in God’s revelation of that security. A believer is secure whether he/she realizes it or not, but it is as we come to realize it that we then experience assurance in our souls. When we’re not sure our salvation is full and certain, we can struggle with anxiety, fear, and stunted growth in our Christian lives. We won’t be confident in our relationship with the Lord until He brings us into certainty about what He’s done for us and who we permanently are.

Having understood these truths for myself, I am passionate about passing them on to others! That’s why we will be starting a new sermon series this Sunday night titled “Finding Assurance.” I desire for the old and young members of our church, the parents and the children, those who volunteer in the children and youth ministries, and the unsaved who attend our services to hear and understand these truths.

In this series, we will answer questions like: Can Christians really know if they are saved? Why do some Christians doubt their salvation? Can Christians lose their salvation? How can we overcome doubt and live with greater assurance? How does a proper understanding of assurance affect the way I evangelize? This series will be both theological and practical. These sermons will enlighten, remind, comfort, and convict you, and they will significantly benefit your children as well. Please prioritize the Sunday evening gathering to hear these sermons and strengthen your faith.
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