"Don't Look For Joy. Look To Christ"

From the book by Aaron Menikoff, Character Matters
“Have you ever heard the Greek myth about Tantalus? Zeus labeled him a thief and a traitor and sentenced him to agonizing punishment. Tantalus had to stand under the branches of a tree laden with ripe, delicious fruit while resting in a pool of cool water. Whenever Tantalus tried to pick the fruit, the gods moved the branches out of his reach. And when Tantalus knelt down to drink the refreshing water, the pool always dried up. From this story we gained the verb ‘to tantalize.’

Joy is like Tantalus’s fruit and water. You’ll never get it by looking for it. To find joy you have to take an indirect route. Don’t look for joy. Look to Christ. Pray like Jehoshaphat: ‘My eyes are on you, Lord.’

Even when Paul commands us to rejoice, he’s fundamentally calling us to place our confidence in who God is and what He’s done. Paul’s command to rejoice comes at the very end of his letter to the Philippians (4:4). This command comes after Paul acknowledged the good work of salvation God began and promised to complete (1:6). It comes after Paul recalled how earthly trials are nothing compared to heavenly hope (1:23). It comes after Paul recounted the high cost Christ paid to save an unholy people (2:8). It comes after Paul proclaimed his identity is not in safety, reputation, or ministry, but in Christ alone (3:12). And it comes after he declared that no matter what happens in this life, our citizenship is in heaven (3:20).

 In all these chapters, Paul deliberately placed the eyes of his readers on the trustworthy Savior. And only after doing this, only after pointing to God who is worthy of all our faith, did Paul finally command, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice’ (4:4). It’s as if Paul is saying, ‘You must rejoice, and if you want to know how, revisit what I’ve just said: put your trust in Christ.’

The key to finding joy is to stop looking for it. Keep your eyes on Christ instead. Then watch and wait. Joy will come.”

Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Evening Service

This past Sunday we as a church were reminded of the hope we have as believers in heaven and a lifetime with our creator, God. You can register to the Sunday morning sermon, "The Hope of Life After Death", or share it with someone you know could benefit from it. You can also be encouraged from the message we heard during communion with the link above.
How can you best prepare your mind and heart for this Lord's day? Ready yourself through these practical tips that apply to this coming Lord's day before you pull into the parking lot.

No Sunday Evening Service

This Sunday we will not be having an evening service. We hope you enjoy your Sunday evening with your family!

Plan To Invite Someone To Church This Sunday

You can invite someone to church on any Sunday of the year. Why wait for a special Sunday? The people in your inner circle can join our family of believers any given Sunday of the year! Maybe stop by the church and grab an invite card to bridge a conversation with someone you know this week.

Read this Sunday's sermon texts.

Sunday Morning's Text: Galatians 6:7-10

Spend Time Praising God.

Why wait for Sunday to sing or listen to worship music? Check out our setlist for this Sunday and get ready to sing and internalize the music.
May Liberal Love | Blue Bell Outreach | Volunteers Needed
LLA Spring Musical | May 9
Crib Shower For Josh & Fiona Knudsen | May 12-19
 Last Day Of Wednesday Night Kids Ministry | May 15
Partner With Parents | May 19
Youth Fundraiser | May 26
Falcon Booster Club Golf Tournament | June 1
VBS | June 2-5
Prepare your mind and heart with some worship music this week. Use our church playlist
through the week and be encouraged by spiritual songs that are still being written by God's people.

Sunday Morning

He Is Our God
How Great Is Our God
Worthy Of It All

Sunday Evening

No service